Anxiety Disorder Books

  • It's a Long, Hard Journey.
    Some of the struggles with an anxiety disorder and how you can still accomplish your goals.
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    this book talks about anxiety and what you can do to help.
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  • Worries Be Gone: A Book About Generalized Anxiety Disorder
    A story about a girl named Ella who struggles with anxiety but finds support from her teacher and makes friends at school.
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  • The Monster of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
    Kathryn, a kitten with anxiety, learns to overcome her worries with the help of her friends and the power of laughter.
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  • Katie and her Generalized Anxiety Disorder
    Katie, a talented skater, struggles with her mom's high expectations and the pressure to succeed. She eventually opens up about her anxiety and finds a balance in her life.
  • What's Your Phobia? Part 2!
    This story lists and briefly describes various phobias, including aerophobia, agoraphobia, algophobia, claustrophobia, entomophobia, astraphobia, ophidiophobia, cynophobia, h…
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  • What's Your Phobia? (Part 4)
    A list of phobias and their definitions, with a note about continuing the series.
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    A brief overview of anxiety, its causes, symptoms, and coping strategies for children.
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