Aquarium Books

  • Tiny's Big Journey
    After being rescued from a hole, Tiny, a Loggerhead Sea Turtle hatchling, struggles to find the perfect habitat-one with all of her basic needs.
    This book will help intro…
    Eye Icon 48432
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  • My Landmark Story
    Hi, my name is Lilliana, and I want to share my trip to the Georgia Aquarium with you.
    Eye Icon 693
    Star Icon 99
  • Something Smells Fishy
    A book about believing in others even when they might seem a little bizarre.
    Eye Icon 140
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  • ABC's of California's Tidepools
    Papa works at the aquarium and Mama used to work there so we love the ocean. We love to visit the tide pools especially when there is a king tide. We see so many cool animal…
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  • A Day At The Zoo
    A group of children visit the zoo and have various adventures with the animals. They also visit an aquarium and learn about different water creatures.
  • Caring for Your Fishy Friends!
    A guide on how to care for fish as pets, including tank size, water changes, feeding, and dechlorination.
    Eye Icon 120
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  • The Three Twins Part 2
    The second three twins book. When at the aquarium, Don faints.
    Eye Icon 219
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  • A Great Experience!
    A family visits an aquarium and zoo, encountering fish, sharks, and animals.
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