Artemis Books

  • Tharros and Asteri
    This is my first book on storyjumper! Please comment and like my story! I wrote this story in 6th grade.
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  • Artemis
    The story of the Greek goddess Artemis, her birth, encounter with Actaeon, and transformation of him into a deer.
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  • Artemis the Goddess
    The story of Artemis, the Greek goddess of childbirth and hunting, who teaches a lesson about not hurting others.
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  • Artemis, the goddess of wilderness, helps her mother give birth to her twin brother Apollo and later saves his life from a snake bite.
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  • Artemis the Queen Fairy Artemis la Reine Fee
    Artemis, a fairy without powers, is devastated when her brother Bartolo is chosen as the successor to the throne instead of her. She embarks on a journey to uncover the truth…
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  • Artemis and orion
    The story tells the myth of Artemis and Orion, their friendship, and tragic end.
  • Artemis Fowl(A Kids Version)
    Artemis Fowl, a 12-year-old criminal mastermind, captures a fairy named Holly Short and steals her powers. Holly escapes and starts a war with Artemis. Artemis wins and gets …
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  • A Children's Book About
    An introduction to Greek mythology, focusing on the major gods and their characteristics.
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