Assassin Books

  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
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  • The Whirlwind Assassin
    Kakashi, a survivor of a village catastrophe, gains god-like powers and defeats a whirlwind to save his village.
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  • Assassins Creed The Brotherhood
    In 1871 England, a young assassin seeks revenge for his father's death. He embarks on a mission to find his father's weapon and decode a note that holds important information.
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  • The Blind Assassin
    Iris and Laura, two loving sisters, discover the power of family and courage through magical stories, strengthening their bond and understanding of each other.
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  • A young Assassin named Shay Patrick Cormac betrays his Brotherhood and joins the Templars, leading to a war between the two factions.
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  • Multiverse of Miles
    A 12-year-old boy named Miles discovers portals to different realities and assembles a team of alternate versions of himself to fight an evil version. They succeed and part w…
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  • Red Riding Assassin
    A twist on the classic Red Riding Hood story, where Red becomes an assassin and a villain after her encounter with the Wolf.
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  • Spy School
    Ben Ripley, a young boy, is recruited by a top secret spy school. He faces tests, encounters a mole, and saves the day.
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