Assets Books

  • ο κόκορας και το γουρουνάκι
    Ο σεβασμός είναι προτέρημα.
    respect is an asset
  • Exploring the Accounting Equation
    An introduction to the accounting equation and its components: assets, liabilities, and capital.
  • Managing Money for the Common Man
    A basic overview of money management, covering topics such as banking, taxes, spending plans, and assets. Includes some humor and personal anecdotes.
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  • Guide to Money Management
    A guide to personal finance terms and concepts, including spending plans, net gain/loss, income statements, balance sheets, assets, and investments.
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    An introduction to financial statements, balance sheets, liabilities, capital, and other accounting terms.
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  • The Importance Of Peace in The World
    A child reflects on the concept of peace, discussing its meaning, historical context, and importance in society.
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  • My Money Management Guide
    John, a successful businessman, learns about depository institutions and financial stability with his friend Jack. They discuss taxes, assets, and the importance of budgeting…
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