Astrology Books

  • All The Signs Compatibility with Pisces
    This story provides compatibility percentages and descriptions for Pisces with various zodiac signs.
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  • You Can't Be an Astronaut, It's Just Not Realistic
    A boys journey to learn that being an astronaut, just isn't realistic.

    By: Matt Youngen
    Period 6
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  • zodiac signs
    A brief description of the zodiac signs and their characteristics.
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  • Stinky poems
    The protagonist shares their interests and preferences, including music, books, TV shows, and astrology.
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  • ZODİAC <33
    A wise man travels to 12 countries, each with a different personality, and discovers that people's personalities are influenced by their birth dates.
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    A girl named Hninn Si struggles with her Burmese name being mispronounced, but learns to love it when she discovers its meaning and significance in her culture.
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  • prefix and suffix book
    this book is about Billys awesome adventure with Prefixes and Suffixes
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  • YOUTH Magazine
    A collection of articles on various topics, including university salaries, study tips, car reviews, and horoscopes.
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