Athens Books

  • Athena
    The story of Athena, the goddess of reason and wisdom, her battles, and her role as the patron goddess of Athens.
  • The Name Giving of Athens
    The story tells the myth of how Athens got its name, with Poseidon and Athena competing to be the city's patron. The citizens choose Athena's gift of an olive tree over Posei…
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  • Poseidon vs Athena
    The story of how Athens got its name, featuring a rivalry between gods Poseidon and Athena and their gifts to the city.
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    A brief introduction to Europe and a focus on Athens, Greece, including its history, landmarks, and cultural significance.
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  • Athena and Poseidon Helping Athens
    Athena and Poseidon trying to be the god or goddess of the city state Athens.
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    Timothy, a brave warrior, faces numerous challenges and becomes the sun god. He brings his family back to life, rebuilds Athens, and creates night.
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  • The Siberian Athens
    A brief introduction to the city of Tomsk, including its location, history, famous people, and attractions.
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  • The Myth of Athena vs. Poseidon
    Long ago, King Cecrops of Athens had to choose between Poseidon and Athena as the patron deity. They had a contest, and Athena won by giving the city an olive tree with many …
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