Avogadro Books

  • Gas Laws for Kids
    A story about the properties of matter and gases, including their states, behavior, and laws governing them.
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  • The Tale of the Gas Propoerties
    A ghost learns about the properties and behaviors of gases from a lion from heaven, including the Ideal Gas Law and three gas laws.
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  • MOLS
    An informative poem about the concept of a mole as a unit of measurement in chemistry, with a brief mention of Avogadro.
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  • Atomic Structure History
    This story provides a historical overview of the development of atomic models, from Thomson's raisin pudding model to modern quantum mechanics.
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  • Trogas the Gas Particle
    Trogas the Gas Particle explains the properties of gas particles, including compressibility, expandability, and their relationship with volume. It also introduces three laws …
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    Biographies of famous scientists including Albert Einstein, Amedeo Avogadro, Alfred Nobel, Dmitri Mendeleev, Antoine Lavoisier, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, John Dalton, Ma…
  • Gassy Laws (P.U!)
    An informative book introducing the basic gas laws of chemistry, including Avogadro's Law, Dalton's Law, Boyle's Law, Charles's Law, and Gay Lussac's Law.
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  • Gas Law Flipbook
    An informational text about the behavior of gas particles and various gas laws, including Boyle's Law, Charles' Law, and Avogadro's Principle.
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