Bad Habits Books

  • Get rid of bad habit
    A monkey and a rabbit have a quarrel over their bad habits, disturbing other animals. They are scolded by a tiger and learn to apologize and change their behavior.
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    Charlie struggles with his habits and family issues. A super healthy girl helps him realize the need for change in his life for his parents' happiness.
  • ALOrouba P G School Bad habits
    A doctor tries to teach his son a lesson about bad habits by comparing them to a sapling.
  • The Wise Old Tortoise
    A troubled mother rabbit seeks the help of a wise tortoise to wean her young bunny away from bad habits. The tortoise teaches a valuable lesson about the difficulty of uproot…
  • Lily the Little Girl 小女孩莉莉
    Lily, a wealthy girl, learns the value of money and compassion when she helps a poor farmer and his family.
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  • Our Pet Cheesey
    This is a book about our pet Cheesey. We hope you really enjoy this book.
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    Jesse Azaria is a kid who really loves to chew gum. Pink bubblegum is his favorite and he chews it all the time. After getting busted by his teacher for chewing gum in class,…
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