Ballot Types Books

  • Introduction To The American Society
    An introduction to the American voting process, including qualifications for voting, how the president is elected, election days, party symbols, ballot types, influences on v…
  • ABC's of The USA Government!
    An alphabet book that introduces various aspects of the US government, history, and civic concepts.
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  • The Process of Elections
    A children's book about the election process in Washington, D.C. with a focus on vocabulary and concepts related to elections.
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  • Voting for New Citizens
    A brief guide to the voting process in the United States, including requirements, parties, elections, and the electoral college.
  • Industrial Revolution
    A historical overview of the consequences, social changes, political changes, and economic changes during the Progressive Era in the United States.
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  • Danielle Winner: Uncovered
    The autobiography of Danielle 'Dani' Winner, a Progressive Era teenager who grows up to be a successful business owner and activist for women's rights.
  • Billionaire Brother and Midterms
    The story is a detailed analysis of the media coverage on Koch PAC funding the midterm elections, concluding that there is a bias against billionaires in media, especially th…
  • World History
    An overview of various subjects including geography, economics, government, culture, religion, river civilizations, ages of empires, colonization, and current leaders of coun…
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