Ban Books

  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
    Eye Icon 22077
    Star Icon 1100
  • Chocolate Milk Should Be Banned!
    A persuasive essay arguing against serving chocolate milk in schools due to its high sugar and calorie content, which can lead to childhood obesity.
    Eye Icon 22624
    Star Icon 154
  • The Ban Note
    A kid finds a magical ban note that can ban anything or anyone. He tests it on his friend and starts banning famous YouTubers. The YouTubers try to stop him and a battle ensu…
    Eye Icon 14
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  • The chocolate princess
    A princess who makes chocolate is challenged by parents who want it banned. An orphan named Aleela saves the princess and changes the parents' minds.
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  • Robloxia's ban
    Robloxia faces a year-long ban due to harassment by a bad guy. After returning, Robloxia seeks revenge by reporting the bad guy, leading to his permanent ban.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt
    This is a detailed biography of Eleanor Roosevelt, covering her early life, marriage to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, her role as First Lady, and her work for human rights. It h…
    Eye Icon 398
    Star Icon 12
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