Bankruptcy Books

  • Financial Literacy Comic
    Budget-Man, a superhero, helps people balance their budget by giving them advice on saving, spending wisely, and avoiding bankruptcy.
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  • Five Nights at Freddy's
    A story about a bear singing a silly song, a man's bankruptcy, and a tragic incident at a diner.
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  • The Grizzly's encounter with bankruptcy
    Papa Bear and his family face financial struggles due to poor money management. They learn about bankruptcy as a solution.
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  • Bob Becomes Broke
    Bob owns a candy shop and a large house but struggles to pay his loans and bills. He files for bankruptcy, which affects his credit score.
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  • Bankruptcy with John
    Two friends share their experiences of losing everything and working their way out of debt.
  • The in's and outs of Bankruptcy
    Sarah, a good kid, makes poor financial choices and ends up in debt. She learns about bankruptcy and starts over.
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  • Bankruptcy with Susan
    An informative chapter explaining the differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, including fees, filing requirements, and debt discharge.
  • Borrowing money from the bank
    Jazmin borrows money from the bank for her cosmetology career but fails to pay it back, leading to bankruptcy and a change in plans.
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