Barn Books

  • Sally the Songbird
    Sally the songbird has lost her song, can you help her to find it?
    Young children can sing along to this musical storybook, meeting all sorts of animals along the way!
    Eye Icon 233861
    Star Icon 7929
  • The Secret About Red Barn
    At Red Barn Primary School Oliver realises there is something different about his teachers, they are not just ordinary teachers...
    Eye Icon 55
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  • The Pumpkin Pounce
    With a roll and a bounce this wind blown pumpkin takes an unexpected journey.
    Eye Icon 20273
    Star Icon 495
  • The Three Little Mice and the Big Bad Cat
    Three little mice face challenges from a big bad cat as they search for new homes in a barn.
    Eye Icon 256
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  • Travis and Friends
    Four best friends get into trouble when they steal apples from a farmer. They work together to escape and learn a lesson about gratitude.
    Eye Icon 846
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  • The Big Red Barn
    A counting rhyme about various animals and their homes in a big red barn.
    Eye Icon 771
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  • A Collection of Math Problems to Solve
    A collection of short stories covering various subjects, including math, language arts, and everyday life situations.
    Eye Icon 3223
    Star Icon 71
  • If you then a barn door open..
    A pig's adventure after leaving a barn door open and finding food, a house, a kitchen, and a refrigerator.
    Eye Icon 436
    Star Icon 1
  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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