Barriers Books

  • The Great Barrier Reef
    A visit to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, showcasing its diverse marine life and highlighting the importance of conservation.
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  • Emily's Goal: Breaking Barriers in Soccer
    Meet Emily, a passionate young girl who dreams of becoming a soccer coach. She challenges gender norms and advocates for equal opportunities in sports coaching. Through her d…
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  • Iridis
    A short fish tale on helping others and protecting the environment featuring Iridis, the Longfin Anthias (Pseudanthias ventralis ventralis).

    The Longfin Anthias is …
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  • Kno Bahdee
    Kno Bahdee sets out on a journey to meet new friends and learns she is valuable and special in the process.
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  • Sammie Seahorse
    Sammie the seahorse sets out to share his joke but encounters external and listener barriers, causing him to feel ashamed and never leave home again.
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  • The Other Side of the Holly Barrier
    Holly Riving has always had visions. But one day when she reads a book at school, she shockingly realizes her destiny. Will she fulfill it, or will it all go wrong?
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    The book discusses the importance of listening in various aspects of life, provides strategies for active listening, and highlights barriers to effective listening.
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  • 香港和我 Hong Kong and Me
    A young girl moves from the United States to Hong Kong, initially struggling with the language barrier and missing her old life. However, she makes new friends and begins to …
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