Basilisk Books

  • Macbeths of 21st Century
    A story about a lumberjack named Cem Shah who discovers a beautiful yard with a well full of honey. He enters the well and meets a creature named Shamaran, who becomes his fr…
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  • Mythical Creatures
    A collection of descriptions of mythical creatures from various cultures, including dragons, griffins, werewolves, the Loch Ness Monster, basilisks, manticores, and imps.
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  • Ayaz's adventure
    Ayaz, a boy living in the mountains, encounters a Basilisk in an old elf ruin. He escapes and is hailed as a hero.
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  • Our Plumed Basilisk Project
    An informative text about the plumed basilisk, covering its habitat, characteristics, diet, and myths surrounding it.
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  • ABC's of Lizards
    An alphabetical list of various lizard species, their habitats, and characteristics.
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  • Hermione Granger
    The story provides a detailed biography of Hermione Granger, her role in the Harry Potter series, and her personal characteristics.
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  • ю
    The Harry Potter series follows the adventures of young wizard Harry Potter and his friends as they navigate a magical world filled with mystery, danger, and the ultimate bat…
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  • FOlk Tale and STEM Challenges
    A collection of folktales and legends featuring animals, magical objects, and brave characters.
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