Bastille Books

  • The Poor Take Over
    A brief overview of the French Revolution, including the three estates, the role of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, the storming of the Bastille, and the rise of Maximilien d…
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  • The French Revolution
    A comprehensive history of France before, during, and after the French Revolution, highlighting key events and their impact.
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  • The French Revolution
    The story is a detailed account of the French Revolution, covering key events and figures. It explores the causes, major incidents like the storming of Bastille, Reign of Ter…
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  • Bastille Day
    A brief history of Bastille Day, its significance in the French Revolution, and how it is celebrated today.
  • The French Revolution
    The story provides a detailed account of the French Revolution, from the meeting of the Estates-General in 1789 to the rise of Napoleon. It covers key events and figures, soc…
  • The French Revolution
    The history of the French Revolution, written for ten-year olds.
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  • French Revolution
    A brief overview of the French Revolution, highlighting the social classes, grievances, and key events.
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  • Major Events of the French Revolution
    A brief overview of key events during the French Revolution, including the Estates General, Storming of the Bastille, execution of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, Reign of Te…
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