Battles Books

  • Max Finds His Confidence.
    A teenage warrior named Max overcomes his lack of confidence and becomes a great warrior through training and battles.
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  • Pokemon Adventures,book 1
    Three Pokemon friends, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Charmander, embark on a journey to become stronger. They encounter a trainer who captures Charmander, leading to their determi…
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  • The Lost Pokemon
    Ash, Misty, and Brock encounter Team Rocket in the woods. They battle with their Pokemon and face various challenges before reuniting with their trainers.
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    A group of players land on Fortnite Island, fight their way to victory, and make plans to play again.
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  • Pokemon adventures,book 2
    Red and his Pokemon team battle against various opponents, including a gym leader. They emerge victorious and prepare for their next challenge.
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  • The battle against the Coronavirus
    A young girl describes her experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, including remote learning, social distancing, and staying positive.
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  • It's Battle Time!
    This book is a science fiction narrative. Look for the various figurative language phrases and sentences: similes, personification, alliteration, hyperbole,idiom, imagery, an…
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  • Bread: An Epic Food Battle
    a kind of old comic book I made up as I went- the end is a little weird, but I'm proud of it anyway :P
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