Beaches Books

  • My Story About Panama :
    Panama facts location, food, music and culture in an audio book for learning English as a New Language
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  • Swimming Adventures
    Medha loves swimming and travels to different oceans, lakes, and beaches around the world. Each letter of the alphabet represents a water-related word.
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  • Beaches and the sea
    A short, somewhat disorganized story about the beach, including fun facts and personal experiences.
  • The dog who liked beaches
    A dog named Dash, who is called Shadow by everyone after his owner disappears, longs to go to the beach. One day, he follows a man and discovers that the man is his long-lost…
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  • Do You Know the Secret of ... ?
    A story about competitors who learn to be friends and teammates.
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  • Layah Explores the Island of Exuma
    This book describes the breathtaking island of Exuma in the Bahamas. Exuma is known for its beautiful beaches and the swimming pigs. Everyone should visit at least one island…
  • Baños de ola
    The story introduces the tradition of Baños de Ola in Santander, Spain, and its historical significance as a tourist destination.
  • The Green Sea Turtle
    This book provides information about the life cycle, habitat, diet, and conservation of green sea turtles.
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