Bedtime Routine Books

  • How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?
    A playful and rhyming story about how dinosaurs say good night, teaching children about bedtime routines and behavior.
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  • The Bedtime Routine
    A child describes their bedtime routine, including showering, tidying up, eating ice cream, brushing teeth, and watching a movie before bed.
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  • Sleepy Time Adventure
    Luna the Bunny's bedtime routine and magical dreams are described, encouraging young readers to embrace the magic of bedtime.
  • Family Dolphin
    A dolphin family has a busy and exciting day, including a birthday party, games, cake, and bedtime routines.
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  • Getting Ready For BedTime
    A young child describes their bedtime routine, including cleaning up toys, having a snack, taking a bath, brushing teeth and hair, and listening to a story before bed.
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  • Daddy and His Boys
    This story is about an amazing dad and all the activities he does with his two little boys!
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  • Luksi Iskitini
    Luksi Iskitini, a little turtle, goes through his daily routine with his grandpa Mafo Luksi. They take a bath, brush their teeth, and read a bedtime story.
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  • Goodnight Harper
    Harper's bedtime routine is described in detail, from cleaning up to saying prayers. She loves bedtime the most.
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