Beer Books

  • The Boy of
    A nostalgic reflection on various toys, sports, and experiences from the author's childhood.
    Eye Icon 3183
    Star Icon 258
  • Adventure Ahead!
    A group of friends embark on an adventure to Grenada, enjoying the beach, food, historical sites, and beer.
    Eye Icon 12
  • Polar Bears and beers
    Polar bears are rare.And we need to teach how to be safe from different kinds of bears.Enjoy
    Eye Icon 24
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  • Saving My Dad
    A boy embarks on a treacherous journey to Beer Kingdom to find a magic drink that can save his sick father.
    Eye Icon 74
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  • If You Give A Dog A Donut
    Nero the dog goes on a wild adventure after someone gives him a donut, leading to his dreams coming true.
    Eye Icon 4469
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  • The life in the sea
    Group book created by students who attend the 6th grade and are 12 years old. It was a project concerning GCE.
    Eye Icon 1046
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