Benefits Books

  • Halq'eméylem Sp’í:ls s’alhtel qas te sth’í:m
    A bilingual story about fruits and vegetables, their descriptions, and the benefits of eating them.
    Eye Icon 156
    Star Icon 6
  • Foraging in Maine by Marjorie McCarthy
    A collection of information about various plants, including their identification, benefits, and recipe ideas.
  • Digital Storytelling with Students
    This story provides information and resources for using digital storytelling in the classroom, including tips, tools, and benefits.
    Eye Icon 2147
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  • Minecraft's Wonders
    An enthusiastic introduction to the game Minecraft, highlighting its creative potential, multiplayer options, educational benefits, and mod features.
    Eye Icon 5315
    Star Icon 263
  • Minecraft
    A discussion about the safety, modes, benefits, and challenges of playing Minecraft.
    Eye Icon 227
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  • Apple Jack and the Garden Gnats
    A story about unexpected friendship and working together for the benefit of a community.
    Eye Icon 528
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  • Eating The Rainbow
    This informative book teaches children about the health benefits of different colored fruits and vegetables.
    Eye Icon 493
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  • YOUTH FOOTBALL (Pros and Cons)
    A discussion of the pros and cons of youth football, including equipment, benefits, risks, and types of injuries.
    Eye Icon 214
    Star Icon 7
  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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