Betta Fish Books

  • Because of Green
    The story celebrates the color green and its significance in nature, culture, and everyday life.
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  • The Wonderful Women of Hingham
    This book is a collection of stories about influential women in Hingham, written by Girl Scout Troop 62447. It highlights the contributions of various women, from school nurs…
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  • Abby's Adventures Book 1
    Abby, a cat, falls into a dream and ends up in the fish tank with Blueberry, a betta fish. They encounter two cats and form a plan to get rid of them.
  • My Fish Twistle
    Twistle, a betta fish, describes his life in a tank with children who feed him and play tricks on him.
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  • underwater Creatures
    This book is about animals or creatures that live under the sea
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  • Andy the Angelfish Takes the Ocean!
    Andy, Buddy, and Jerry, three fish, set out to break a Guinness World Record by gathering the largest crowd of fish for a baseball game.
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  • Mr. Goldfish Gets Copyrighted
    A Betta fish tries to steal scripts from Mr. Goldfish, but learns about copyright laws and how to use copyrighted material properly.
  • Animal Alliterations
    A collection of animal alliterations that teach kids about different animals and the concept of alliteration.
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