Bias Books

  • Avoiding Gender Bias 避免性别偏见/避免性別偏見
    4~6 Grader Students‘ PBL Project
    School PBL Theme:Social Justice
    4~6th grader focus on Gender Bias
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  • Dream Big Bessie!
    This book tells the inspiring story of Bessie Coleman, the first licensed African American female aviator in the United States, and her journey to achieve her dream of becomi…
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  • Stories to share
    Panda Bia goes to the zoo, visits her friend Bunny, and has fun at a party. She buys groceries, plays at the park, and then goes to bed. The next day, she meets her friends a…
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  • Titanic (1912)
    The story provides some facts and information about the Titanic, including its construction, sinking, and social dynamics on board.
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  • The Holocaust
    The story discusses examples of bias during the Holocaust, Salem Witch Trials, and how bias has changed over time.
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  • Kim Jisoo
    Kim Jisoo, the hard-working teammate of BLACKPINK. Once ignored, but didn't give up. My bias forever.
    A penguin and an ant seek help with math problems, while a bombastic character asks biased questions. Chris provides guidance and solves the problems.
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    This book is about some information and personal opinion of BLACKPINK's members. Please enjoy! I AM A BLINK! ARE YOU?
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