Big Data Books

  • ABC's of BIG DATA
    An introduction to big data, its challenges, and applications. It also provides a list of popular big data tools.
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  • Exploring Mars
    In this book, we look at the complete history of missions to Mars. beginning in 1960 and continuing through the present day (June 2019). We also look at planned and possible …
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    Odell is a 14 year old football star. During the last game of the season he breaks his wrist and is rushed to the hospital. And although his football season may be over, Odel…
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  • Spider Man's Diary
    Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man, recounts his adventures fighting crime alongside Iron Man, stealing Captain America's shield, battling the Vulture, and becoming an Avenger.
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  • Down on Hammy's Farm
    Rowan visits his grandparents' farm after a storm. He helps organize the animals and learns math by counting them. They end the day with cookies.
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  • My Practice Book
    A collection of definitions and explanations for various technological terms.
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  • The Big Chocolate Mess
    Sam wants to surprise her dad with a chocolate cake but fails. She learns the scientific method and successfully bakes a cake.
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