Bill Of Rights Books

  • The Bill of Rights
    A brief overview of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, and their importance in protecting individual rights and freedoms.
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  • Bill Of Rights
    A brief explanation of each amendment in the Bill of Rights, highlighting its significance.
    by Icey
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  • Bill of Rights
    A brief overview of the first ten amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, in the United States Constitution.
    Eye Icon 1591
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  • Brown All Over
    Teaching black culture.

    ✔️ Introduces Discrimination
    ✔️ Covers Kwanzaa
    ✔️ Covers Juneteenth
    ✔️ Covers "What is a Protest" for kids
    ✔️ Contains the B…
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  • Bill Of Rights
    A brief overview of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, highlighting their importance and relevance.
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  • Bill of Rights
    Billy explains the Bill of Rights, highlighting each amendment and its significance.
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  • We the Third Graders
    An informative book about the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, explaining its history, structure, and amendments.
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  • Kids Version of the 10 Amendments
    A brief overview of the Bill of Rights and its 10 amendments, highlighting individual rights and limitations on government power.
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