Biochemistry Books

  • Biology Vocavulary
    This is an informative text that provides a comprehensive introduction to biology and biochemistry. It covers various topics such as the scientific method, cell structure, DN…
  • Evolution
    Charles Darwin explains the evidence supporting his Theory of Evolution, including fossil records, bio-geography, anatomy, embryology, and biochemistry.
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  • The Life of Severo Ochoa
    The biography of Severo Ochoa, a Spanish biochemist and Nobel laureate known for his discoveries in RNA synthesis and biochemistry.
  • This science book covers various topics such as scientific method, cell biology, and biochemistry. It provides definitions and explanations of key terms and concepts.
  • What Survivorship Means to Me
    A cancer survivor reflects on their journey, including the challenges and personal growth it brought, and their determination to give back to the cancer community.
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  • My personal adaptation to virtual classes
    Bryan Espín, a biochemistry student, shares his experiences and interests, including his love for music, football, English, and an embarrassing moment in class.
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  • Introduction to Biochemistry
    This book provides a basic overview of atoms, elements, compounds, and biomolecules. It explains their definitions and functions.
  • Biology vocabulary
    This is an informative text that provides a comprehensive introduction to biology. It covers various topics such as the scientific method, biochemistry, cell structure and fu…
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