Box Office Books

  • Amy Kwak, not Quack
    Amy Kwak is our hero. She goes to a new school and on her first day her teacher calls her, "Quack." She gets very annoyed and everyone makes fun of her! What will she do? Rea…
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  • my favorite movie
    A description of the movie Avengers Endgame, its success at the box office, the cast, and the genres it belongs to.
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  • Cappie, the Salty Dog
    This is a non-fiction fourth grade level book about our rescued Chocolate Lab, Cappie. It encompasses only her first year. Due to limits in pages this is a shortened version …
    Eye Icon 2005
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  • I Think my Principal is a Superhero!
    Do you think your principal is a superhero? I do.
    Read this story to find out what hidden powers my principal is hiding!
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  • Guardians of The Galaxy
    A brief overview of the film Guardians of the Galaxy, including its release date, box office success, cast, soundtrack, and some fun facts.
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  • Popular Movies From The 80s to Present Day
    An interesting way to get movie info from long ago to today
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  • A is for Allen Brook
    This is an informative book about Allen Brook School in Williston, Vermont. It covers various aspects of the school including its rules, facilities, staff, and activities. Th…
  • Muffins Without Mom
    This book is a guide for children who have lost a parent, filled with activities to help them cope. It also tells the story of Maddie, a girl who loses her mother to Pancreat…
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