Bragging Books

  • Autumn the Eggplant
    Autumn the eggplant learns how important it is to be truly individual.
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  • Kira's Dream Life
    Kira and Becky are best friends, but Kira feels jealous of Becky's wealth. After seeing Becky's unhappiness, Kira learns that a great life is about love and sharing.
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  • The Cheetah and The Fish
    A cheetah brags about being the fastest animal, challenges a fish to a race on land and sea, loses on land but wins in the sea, learns a lesson about humility.
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    A self-centered girl named Alex brags about her awesomeness, grades, and popularity, but also shows some kindness. She insists that readers become her friends.
  • The Jungle
    Sage(3) and Milly (7) wanted to write a book. Sage came up with the whole plot and title, as Milly and I asked him questions. Milly took notes, illustrated the book and crea…
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  • Diary of a Minecraft Slime A New Student
    A young boy named Creepy attends a party and meets a spider named Webs. He goes hiking with friends and spends summer vacation with his girlfriend Maggie.
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  • The Bragger
    A boy who used to brag about his abilities learns a lesson after injuring himself while trying to prove his skills.
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  • The Hills
    A boasting bird and a monkey work together to save a baby elephant from humans, leading to a joyful celebration in the rain.
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