Brahmagupta Books

  • Brahmagupta (597 AD - 668 AD)
    This book contains some information about the life of Brahmagupta and his contribution to mathematics
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    This book provides a comprehensive overview of the life and contributions of Brahmagupta, an ancient Indian mathematician. It covers his background, career, major works, and …
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  • Why Are There Letters in Math?
    This book explores the history and usage of letters in math, from Indian mathematician Brahmagupta's use of colors to the translation mistake that led to the common use of 'x…
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  • The Hindu-Arabic numeral system
    This book provides information about the Hindu-Arabic numeral system, its creators, pros and cons, type, characteristics, and symbols.
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    This book provides an overview of the life and contributions of Bhaskara II, an Indian mathematician and astronomer, to mathematics, astronomy, and engineering.
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