British Books

  • British History 1550-1650
    A brief overview of major events in British history from 1550-1650, including the reigns of Edward VI, Mary I, Elizabeth I, and James I, as well as the Gunpowder Plot and the…
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  • Benji the British War Dog
    Benji, a British war dog, and his best friend James are separated during World War II. Benji embarks on a journey across Europe, fighting alongside allies and making new frie…
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  • TommyInnIt is a Bad British Child
    Tommy, a naive boy, unknowingly commits plagiarism and piracy by using Wilbur's song without permission. Philza educates him on copyright laws and helps him fix his mistake.
  • British Heritage
    This story provides information about five different museums in the UK, including their locations and collections.
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  • The Bad Apple of the American Revolution
    The story of Benedict Arnold, from his early success to his betrayal as a spy for the British during the American Revolution.
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