British Acts Books

  • The American Revolution ABC Book
    A comprehensive overview of the American Revolution, including key events, figures, and its impact on the United States.
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  • The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
    The story of Paul Revere, his famous midnight ride, and his contributions to the American Revolution.
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  • Sons of Liberty & The Boston Tea Party
    The Sons of Liberty, a group formed in 1765 to fight against British acts and laws, plan and execute the Boston Tea Party in 1773.
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  • The Bad Apple of the American Revolution
    The story of Benedict Arnold, from his early success to his betrayal as a spy for the British during the American Revolution.
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  • American Revolution ABC's
    A brief overview of key people, events, and concepts related to the American Revolution, presented in alphabetical order.
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  • The Roots of the American Revolution
    A cat named Timmy explains the British Acts that led to the American Revolution, expressing the colonists' anger and rebellion.
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  • Road to Revolution
    A brief overview of key events leading up to the American Revolution, including acts passed by the British, colonial protests, and the formation of the First Continental Cong…
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  • Ain't No Party Like a Boston Tea Party
    In 1773, the Sons of Liberty protest against the British Empire's new tea tax by throwing tea into Boston Harbor, sparking the American Revolution.
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