British Empire Books

  • Ain't No Party Like a Boston Tea Party
    In 1773, the Sons of Liberty protest against the British Empire's new tea tax by throwing tea into Boston Harbor, sparking the American Revolution.
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  • Northern Europe
    The story provides a detailed overview of Northern Europe, covering its physical features, climate, natural resources, and history. It also delves into the specific character…
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  • Once Upon a Time ... A Real-Life Fairy Tale
    Through a series of chance events, a young princess born in 1926 becomes a queen. Her reign of 70 years (and counting) is the second longest of any ruler in the history of th…
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  • The French and Indian War
    This story covers the French and Indian War, including the competing empires, the war's beginning, the Albany Congress, and early British defeats.
  • The French and Indian War Chapter 5
    A brief overview of the French and Indian War, its effects, British response, competing empires, and early British defeats.
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  • Historic India
    A historical overview of India, covering topics such as religion, empires, independence movement, and British rule.
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  • ABC's of The American Revolution
    An alphabetical overview of key people, events, and concepts related to the American Revolution and the founding of the United States.
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  • Social Studies
    A historical account of the French and Indian War, including battles, strategies, and the impact on British colonists.
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