Buckingham Palace Books

  • Once Upon a Time ... A Real-Life Fairy Tale
    Through a series of chance events, a young princess born in 1926 becomes a queen. Her reign of 70 years (and counting) is the second longest of any ruler in the history of th…
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    The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Kate Middleton, arrived at Victoria Airport on Day 1 of the Royal Visit, September, 2016 amid the excitement of thousand…
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  • ABC's of Interesting Landmarks
    This book explores various famous landmarks and sites around the world, providing brief descriptions of their history and significance.
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  • The journey to London
    A brief description of the different parts of London, including the City, Westminster, West End, East End, Buckingham Palace, and museums.
  • London
    A brief description of famous landmarks in London, including Buckingham Palace, The Shard, Piccadilly Circus, Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain, and Hyde Park.
  • London
    A collection of short descriptions about popular landmarks in London, including Big Ben, the British Museum, Hyde Park, the London Eye, and Buckingham Palace.
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    Mr. Bean's favorite mug breaks, and he goes on a quest to find a new one at Buckingham Palace.
  • Mr Bean
    Mr. Bean's adventure to find his favorite mug takes him to Buckingham Palace, where he encounters the Queen and her dog.
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