Calvin Cycle Books

  • Photosynthesis and Respiration
    Billy, a young plant, learns about photosynthesis and cellular respiration from his uncle Bobby, exploring the processes and their differences.
    Eye Icon 13497
    Star Icon 23
  • Photosynthesis
    An informative book explaining photosynthesis, including its steps and importance for living organisms.
    Eye Icon 559
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    A story about the sun's journey to provide energy to Earth and its encounter with different elements.
    Eye Icon 2312
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  • Yay! Photosynthesis
    An informative book about photosynthesis, explaining the process, factors affecting it, and its importance to all living beings.
    Eye Icon 374
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  • The Magic School Bus: Plant Processes
    Ms. Frizzle takes the class inside a plant to learn about the two vital plant processes which help us survive.
    Eye Icon 221
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  • Photosynthesis
    Princess Kelly and Sarah try to catch a plant eating, but meet a talking raccoon who teaches them about photosynthesis.
    Eye Icon 404
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  • ABC's of Photosynthesis
    An informative book about photosynthesis, explaining the key terms and processes involved.
    Eye Icon 304
  • Discover How Plants and Animals Eat!
    Join Victoria and Ruff on an adventure inside plant cells, learning about photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
    Eye Icon 45
    Star Icon 1
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