Candles Books

  • The Brotherhood Candle
    In the town of Wildinburg, two brothers who are as different as chalk and cheese are about to inherit the family candle making business. During this process, they will embark…
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    This is a story about the mystery of a Jack-o-lantern getting solved.
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  • Princess Lily's Birthday Party
    Princess Lily celebrates her 3rd birthday with her family and friends, but a mean dinosaur threatens to ruin the party. Lily's kindness saves the day.
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  • The Lord's Feasts: for kids Spring Feasts
    The story is a collection of three tales about children learning the significance of religious traditions: Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits. Each story e…
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  • Maya's Shadow
    This is a fun and cute book about a dog's quest for an everlasting friendship.
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  • The Fourth Grade Class and the Giant Candle
    In a Colorado school, students and teacher gather acts of kindness to create a bright candle. Santa helps them raise it high on a Christmas tree.
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  • The Candle that Consumes Itself
    Maria, a smart and helpful girl, learns the importance of balancing her own needs with helping others through a lesson about a candle.
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  • Candles
    A mother surprises her daughter with a car on her 16th birthday, and they spend the day celebrating and enjoying each other's company.
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