Candy Shop Books

    When the candy making machine at The Candy Shop malfunctions, the gnomes have no choice but to call for help. And that help come comes from a highly unlikely source, Santa Cl…
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  • The Candy Shop
    Bailey and Granny go to the candy shop after Bailey completes his chores. They have a great time and Bailey imagines being in Candy Land.
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  • A Love Story
    Andrew, a lonely boy, meets Aysha, a pretty girl, at a candy shop. They have a connection but get separated. They reunite and fall in love.
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  • The Candy Shop
    Three friends discover a new candy shop and one of them, Claire, wants to buy all the lollipops. Her friends remind her not to be greedy, so she decides to buy some for other…
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  • A Book of Math Stories to Solve
    A group of friends go bug hunting and collect various bugs, but some escape. They try to figure out how many bugs they have now.
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  • Lost in the Zoo
    This story is about 2 kids, Olivia and Thomas, who go to the zoo with their family. On the way inside, Olivia spots a candy shop and she wants some candy. Her parents tell he…
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  • A Collection of Math Problems to Solve
    A collection of short stories covering various subjects, including math, language arts, and everyday life situations.
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  • Inayah's Visit to the Candy Shop
    Inayah, tempted by a candy shop, asks her Nana for permission. She finds money and buys candy, but regrets it later. Inayah learns from her mistake and values her Nana's guid…
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