Captain James Cook Books

  • Captain james cook
    The story of Captain James Cook, an explorer in the 1700s, and his expeditions to Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia, Alaska, and Hawaii.
  • Lebron James
    LeBron James's basketball career, from high school to the NBA, his championships, and his return to Cleveland.
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  • Captain Co-op, the New Assistant, & the Tornado
    Captain Co-op and his assistant, Volt the electric eel, work at a cooperative that provides electricity and community services. They face a tornado and help with storm damage.
  • The Adventures of Captain James Cook
    The story follows James Cook's journey from a farmer to a sailor, his interactions with the natives in New Zealand, and the eventual conflict that arises.
  • Captain Cookie
    A young boy named Jeff becomes Captain Cookie after a series of events. He battles villains Inferno and Mr. Milk with the help of his super-powered dog, Harry.
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  • Captain Jason Voorhees adventures
    let's see what happens when Captain Jason Voorhees crosses paths with the infamous pirate Blackbeard
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    Captain boy and water girl part 2 is available now . This is my second book - Sai Karthik Ambula
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  • Captain James Cook & The Native Hawaiians
    Captain James Cook and his European men set off to find the northwest passage but end up in the Hawaiian Islands, where they have conflicts with the Native Hawaiians.
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