Car Engineering Books

  • car engineer
    A brief overview of car engineering, including the importance of automotive electronics, vehicle dynamics, and climate control.
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  • African American Inventors.... A-Z
    This book highlights contributions from African American inventors A through Z.
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  • The Adventures of Sneezer McGeezer
    On a visit to a fortune teller at a county fair, Ebenezer McGeezer was saddled with a curse that would cause him to sneeze whenever he heard a certain phrase spoken by anothe…
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  • Fun Career, Environmental Engineer
    This book introduces the role of an environmental engineer and showcases their work in improving the environment through various projects and innovations.
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  • A Special Kind of Garden
    A frog, fish, and tree in a stream notice pollution after a storm. They work with students to build a rain garden, which cleans the water and restores their environment.
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  • The Sky Was His Limit A Biography of Grant Imahara
    Learn about an amazing robotics engineer and his experiences in Hollywood!
  • petroleum engineering
    Alex, a petroleum engineer, describes his job, education, benefits, and daily routine, emphasizing its importance and fun facts.
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  • All about STEAM-team 2021~2022
    This book is a collection of monthly themes related to science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics.
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