Carbon Concentration Books

  • Human Impact On Climate Change
    The story explains the relationship between carbon concentration and global temperature, changes in precipitation and sea levels, human activities that increase carbon, and a…
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  • Ocean Acidification
    Bubbles and Blue are two fish who embark on a journey to understand the impact of ocean acidification on their lives. They meet various characters, learn about the science be…
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  • Ecosystems
    Zeke takes readers on an educational journey through ecosystems, covering topics such as biotic and abiotic factors, carbon and nitrogen cycles, population dynamics, and the …
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  • Global Warming
    A meteorologist explains global warming to a group of first graders, discussing its causes, effects, and possible solutions.
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  • The Carbon Cycle
    This book explains the carbon cycle, including its steps and how it works. It discusses the movement of carbon through different spheres and its various forms. It also explor…
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  • Diary of a Glucose Molecule
    The story follows a glucose molecule named Henry as he travels through the digestive system and circulatory system, learning about different organs and processes along the wa…
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  • Discover How Plants and Animals Eat!
    Join Victoria and Ruff on an adventure inside plant cells, learning about photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
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  • Biology vocabulary
    This is an informative text that provides a comprehensive introduction to biology. It covers various topics such as the scientific method, biochemistry, cell structure and fu…
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