Career Aspirations Books

  • When I grow up
    A rhyming and empowering story about a child's dreams and aspirations, showcasing various career options and emphasizing the limitless possibilities for girls.
    Eye Icon 3215
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  • One day, I want to be...
    A young child dreams of various future careers, expressing their aspirations and desire to make a positive impact.
    Eye Icon 456
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  • When I Grow Up...
    A list of different career aspirations for children, encouraging them to explore their interests and be themselves.
    Eye Icon 62
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    A collection of short stories about children and their dreams, ranging from career aspirations to environmentalism and adventure.
    Eye Icon 37
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  • All About Me
    A personal narrative about the author's birth, family traditions, career aspirations, and historical events on specific dates.
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  • When I grow up!
    A first-grade student struggles to decide what they want to be when they grow up, but ultimately learns the importance of being true to themselves.
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  • My Life by Katie Mone
    A girl named Katie shares her life story, from her birth to her future plans, including school, moving, hobbies, and career aspirations.
    Eye Icon 37
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  • My Career Book
    A collection of essays by 11-year-olds about their future career aspirations and plans.
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