Carrying Capacity Books

  • Humans and their deforestation
    A story about the negative effects of deforestation on an ecosystem and its inhabitants, with a hopeful ending.
  • Population Ecology
    A basic introduction to population ecology, covering topics such as population growth, birth and death rates, carrying capacity, and species interactions.
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  • ABCs of Environmental Science
    An alphabetical journey through environmental science, covering topics from autotrophs to zoning.
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  • The Lorax Project
    A collection of pictures and descriptions about different types of pollution and land use, emphasizing the need for sustainability and biodiversity.
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  • ABC's of Human Geography ____
    An alphabetical introduction to human geography, covering various terms and concepts. Promotes learning and understanding of the subject.
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  • ABC's of Environmental Science
    An alphabetical list of environmental terms and their definitions, from air pollution to zero emissions.
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  • Population and Migration
    A brief introduction to population-related terms and concepts, ending abruptly.
  • ABC's of AP Environmental
    A collection of definitions and explanations about various environmental terms, from abiotic to zoning.
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