Cartoonist Books

    A talented girl becomes a successful cartoonist after receiving an opportunity to draw manga in Japan.
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  • Problems and Worries that get stuck in my head
    I had a bad day today so I made this. Sorry if I am being negative in this book I just think about this kind of stuff sometimes. Can you relate?
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  • The Cartoonist
    A struggling cartoonist finds success by asking people what they want to see in his cartoons and creates a hit series.
  • Walt Disney's Impact on America
    US History L3 Final Inquiry Project - Walt Disney's Impact on America
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  • I am Walt Disney
    The story of Walt Disney's life, from his childhood struggles to his success as a cartoonist and founder of Disney. Includes quotes and facts about his achievements.
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  • Walt Disney-Biography
    This story provides a brief overview of Walt Disney's childhood, teenage years, and the start of his animation career.
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  • Theodor Seuss Geisel
    The biography of Dr. Seuss, a famous children's author known for his rhymes and imaginative stories.
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  • How to make a comic strip
    A step-by-step guide on how to make a comic strip, including character drawing, story creation, and submission to newspapers.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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