Casualties Books

  • Pearl Harbor
    A summary of the events leading up to and the attack on Pearl Harbor, including the casualties and the aftermath.
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    A spy is sent to spy on Godzilla, but the situation escalates when Godzilla gathers an army of dinosaurs. Backup arrives, but not without casualties.
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  • Earthquakes in El Salvador
    This story provides information about the 1986 and 2001 earthquakes in El Salvador, including their magnitudes, casualties, and damages.
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    A brief overview of the Civil War, including key dates, casualties, and the outcome.
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  • Facts about WW2
    A brief overview of key events and statistics from World War II, including the causes, major battles, and casualties.
  • of royalty and casualties
    on which the story has no sense but it's told with love.
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  • Battle of Okinawa
    The Battle of Okinawa, the last major battle of World War 2, was a gruesome and significant event with massive casualties on both sides.
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  • Lit Civil War A-Z
    A brief overview of the American Civil War, including key battles, casualties, generals, soldiers, and its impact on society.
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