Catering Books

    This book introduces different jobs and workplaces in the travel, hospitality, catering, and entertainment industries.
  • C110133232 應英一乙 林筑萱
    Irene, an eighteen-year-old freshman, shares her experiences working part-time in various catering jobs and her determination to improve her English skills.
  • Sioux Falls , A Great City
    Learn a little bit about Sioux Falls interesting history through its unique buildings. Written & illustrated by Jason Folkerts
  • Gabriel
    Cindy and Blake, a childless couple, are given a baby by a prostitute. They adopt him and raise him to become a doctor. He saves a dying homeless woman's soul.
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  • Mr. Worth's Inclusive Classroom
    Mr. Worth, a teacher, embraces inclusive teaching methods to accommodate his new students, Trang and Charles, who have different needs.
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  • Journey to Italy
    Elis, a student at the Food and Catering Department, goes to Italy to learn how to cook pasta. She stays with a host family, meets students from around the world, and learns …
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  • Chef Boyardee's Immigration
    The story of Ettore Boiardi, an Italian chef who immigrated to America in 1914 and became famous for his culinary skills and the Chef Boyardee brand.
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  • こんにちは Kon'nichiwa Hello!
    A children's book about Japan, covering topics such as geography, culture, language, theater, poetry, and food.
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