Cattle Industry Books

  • The Cattle Industry
    A brief historical account of Spanish exploration and colonization in the New World, focusing on their journey from Spain to Mexico and Texas.
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  • Texas Cattle Queen: Elizabeth
    The story of Lizzie Johnson Williams, the first woman to drive her own herd up the Chisholm Trail and become a successful cattle rancher in Texas.
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  • A Goodnight Trail
    The story of Charles Goodnight, a Texas cowboy and rancher, who played a significant role in the development of the cattle industry in the American Southwest.
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  • Northern Europe
    The story provides a detailed overview of Northern Europe, covering its physical features, climate, natural resources, and history. It also delves into the specific character…
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  • The Wild Inside An educational Journey through animal science
    Arlenys Lago, a high school student and aspiring veterinarian, introduces the field of animal science, covering topics such as physiology, behavior, reproduction, and genetic…
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  • Redwood City History
    A historical account of Redwood City, from the Ohlone Indians to its present-day bustling downtown.
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  • All About Westward Expansion
    A brief overview of the reasons to go west, life in the west, explorers, traveling the west, and ways to travel west.
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  • Arizona's Great Facts!
    A nonfiction book about Arizona, covering its basics, topography, state symbols, cities, counties, and economy.
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