Caution Books

  • All About Reptiles
    An informative book about reptiles, their characteristics, and behaviors. It emphasizes the importance of caution when dealing with reptiles.
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  • The Scary Story Based On a True Story
    This awesome book is about a guy named Aiden. They discover something AMAZING. Buy to discover what it was.
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    This is a book about how to save and rescue stray dogs cats and others so if you love animals then please read and I hope you enjoy!
    by cpm
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  • Internet Safety For Kids
    Paul teaches Hank about internet safety, including being careful with pictures, avoiding ads, and not talking to strangers. Hank learns and decides to be safe on the internet.
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  • Stranger Danger
    A child encounters a stranger in a car outside school, but is warned by their mother to be cautious. They go home and are cheered up by ice cream.
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  • April fools poem
    A poem about April Fools' Day, cautioning readers to be wary of tricks and offering advice on how to have a good time.
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    A poem about Peter Rabbit being encouraged to explore the world, but warned about the dangers of Mr. McGregor's garden.
  • The Alien that made a Mistake
    A story about a person's experiences in a hotel, online, and with strangers, highlighting the importance of caution and privacy.
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