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A Children's book about teeth and dentists for the Sun Smile Dental Group in San Marcos.
by etran2020

What happens to food after it is swallowed by a dog?

Jerry attends his cousin's birthday party, eats too many sweets, gets cavities, and goes to the dentist.

An informative book that explains the digestive system, from the mouth to the large intestine, in a clear and detailed manner.

Jimmy goes to the dentist and discovers he has a cavity. The dentist fills his tooth and reassures him.

Oter goes on a sea adventure, packing and going to a submarine. He has an exciting dive adventure, makes sea friends, and says goodbye.
by Arisyn Kouch
A dinosaur loves eating cookies despite warnings about sugar. He gets a cavity, learns to eat healthy, and lives happily ever after.

Toothy, a tooth living in Jack's mouth, gets a cavity due to Jack's poor dental hygiene. They visit the dentist and learn how to take better care of their teeth.

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