Celebrations Books

  • Celebrations Around the World
    Discover celebrations around the world. How many do you know? How many do you celebrate?
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  • Celebrations Around the World Companion Book
    This is a companion to the Celebrations Around the World book. It contains more information for each celebration.
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  • All About Me
    Sometimes when you're an only child you don't have many friends to play with at home so my mommy is my best friend and my great grandmother is my next best friend. I call her…
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  • Holidays & Celebrations
    Georgia explores different celebrations and festivals around the world, including Easter, Christmas, Hanukkah, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Eid al-Fitr, Valentine's Day, Aust…
    by BHJH
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  • The Days We Celebrate
    A poetic celebration of various holidays throughout the year, highlighting their significance and the joy they bring to people of all ages.
  • A Mexican Celebration
    A description of various Cinco de Mayo traditions and their significance in Mexico and around the world.
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  • Traditions of Chinese New Year
    This book provides an overview of the traditions and customs associated with Chinese New Year, including the New Year's Eve dinner, gift-giving, fireworks, markets, and drago…
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  • My Skin Your Skin His Skin Her Skin
    A poetic celebration of diversity and self-acceptance, emphasizing the beauty of individuality and the importance of embracing one's unique characteristics.
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