Cell Biology Books

  • The Village of Cells
    A description of a microscopic village called Cell Village, where different organelles represent various buildings and functions.
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  • Biology Vocabulary
    This is an informative text that provides definitions for various scientific terms and concepts, primarily focusing on biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, and energy in cel…
  • Digestive System
    Martin the strawberry goes on an adventure through the digestive system, learning about its different parts and functions.
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  • Cell Grocery Store Booklet
    A comparison of a cell to a grocery store, highlighting the functions of different cell parts.
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  • This science book covers various topics such as scientific method, cell biology, and biochemistry. It provides definitions and explanations of key terms and concepts.
  • Broccoli's BIG Test
    Broccoli and Potato study for a science test on cell division, chemistry, and transport with the help of Cell Man.
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  • Plant cell as a prison?
    An informative book about the different parts of a cell, comparing them to various aspects of a prison.
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  • The Cell Theory
    The story follows the discoveries of five scientists - Robert Hooke, Robert Brown, Matthias Schleiden, Theodore Schwann, and Rudolph Virchow - in the field of cell biology.
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