Cell Theory Books

    The story introduces the scientists Robert Hooke, Robert Brown, and Rudolph Virchow and their contributions to the development of the cell theory.
  • Cell Theory
    This book provides a brief overview of the scientists who contributed to the rejection of spontaneous generation and the development of the cell theory.
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  • Cell Theory
    This book was made because of my science class it is about the cell theory and people that have discovered things to make the cell theory
  • The Cell Theory
    The story follows the discoveries of five scientists - Robert Hooke, Robert Brown, Matthias Schleiden, Theodore Schwann, and Rudolph Virchow - in the field of cell biology.
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  • Cell Theory
    An informative book about the different organelles in a cell and their functions.
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  • Cell Theory
    Jonas, a 12-year-old boy, embarks on three trials to become a Cell Theory Expert. With the help of Virchow, Schwann, and Schleiden, he overcomes challenges and gains knowledg…
  • Cell Theory
    Bob learns about cells from his brother Bill and is excited to share his newfound knowledge with his teacher.
  • Cell Theory Timeline
    This story provides a timeline of important discoveries in the field of microbiology, including the invention of the compound microscope and the disproval of spontaneous gene…
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